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Enhancing Coating Performance in Plastics: Join BYK Gardner WEBseminar!

Discover how controlling film thickness in coatings can optimize material costs and enhance the performance of plastic applications. Join BYK Gardner WEBseminar to learn about the critical role of adhesive strength in ensuring durability and corrosion resistance.

In the plastics industry, achieving the right film thickness in coatings is essential for both cost efficiency and maintaining the desired color, appearance, and physical properties of your products. By mastering this aspect, we can significantly reduce material waste and improve overall product quality.

Moreover, the adhesive strength of coatings is crucial for the mechanical performance of plastic components. It directly impacts their durability and corrosion protection, which are vital for applications in various environments.

Join BYK-Gardner WEBseminar tomorrow to delve deeper into these topics. Learn from industry experts about innovative techniques and best practices that can elevate your coating processes and enhance the longevity of your plastic products. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and network with fellow professionals in the field!

Register here!

Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Gentofte Kommune
CVR nummer: DK89810418


Mikko Långström
Business Sales Manager
+45 30576566 mol@bjorn-thorsen.com

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