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How to ensure the Quality of your transparent Product

Get a clear view when it comes to transparency control: transmittance, haze or clarity! Attend the BYK-Gardner WEBseminar on Wednesday, September 4th, to learn more!

The appearance of a transparent product is defined by its application:

  • For an excellent readability phone cover glass has to be crystal clear.
  • Packaging film used in the food industry should be very clear and transparent.
  • Film for grocery bags should be translucent and diffuse the light.

In only 60 minutes BYK-Gardner experts will give you an understanding of how to ensure the quality of your transparent product:

  • How to evaluate transparency according to ISO and ASTM standards?
  • What is the difference between Total Transmittance, Haze and Clarity?
  • What causes Haze (wide angle scattering) and poor Clarity (narrow angle scattering)?
  • How to measure “inner haze”?

Attend the BYK-Gardner WEBseminar to learn more! Register here!

Bjørn Thorsen A/S
Søholm Park 1
2900 Hellerup
Gentofte Kommune
CVR nummer: DK89810418


Mikko Långström
Business Sales Manager
+45 30576566 mol@bjorn-thorsen.com

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