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Quality Assurance For Energy Transformation

ZEISS Power & Energy Solutions.

The Power & Energy sector plays a crucial role in achieving a successful decarbonization strategy as part of the global energy transition. It enables a shift in the energy mix from fossil fuels to zero-emission energy and the required storage solution such as hydrogen. New technologies and processes must be developed in energy generation, storage, and infrastructure, which involves establishing new quality processes to meet manufacturers' specific needs and challenges of for example wind energy, photovoltaic systems, gas & steam turbines, electrolyzers, and energy storage. ​The broad product portfolio of ZEISS provides integrated hardware and software solutions to ensure consistent and high quality in energy generation, storage, and infrastructure

Wind turbines​

Discover ZEISS's high-precision metrology for bearings, gearbox housings, hubs, shafts, rotor blade forms and sections, as well as weld seam inspection of steel towers. Find out more about our advanced metrology solutions.​

Gas & steam turbines​

The smallest details matter from design to operation of a gas & steam power turbine. Investigate how ZEISS solutions support all industry standards.

Hydrogen-based energy production​

Accelerate your electrolyzer R&D with the ZEISS portfolio of microscopy solutions, which include deformation tests, full surface analysis of freeform surfaces, complex geometries, and leakages.


Explore how ZEISS metrology solutions ensure the high efficiency and service life of photovoltaic products by analyzing defects, characterizing layer thickness, and much more.

Learn more here.

Carl Zeiss A/S
Bregnerødvej 133A, 1. sal
3460 Birkerød
Rudersdal Kommune
CVR nummer: DK84786217

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